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"PasSPORT for life" youth exchange is searching for answer if sports involvement can be a valuable life lesson; project is promoting and using 

sport as an educational tool for the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities.



We believe that sport and outdoor education is necessary to protect people from the unanticipated negative consequences of an increasingly 

mechanized and depersonalized society. Sport can improve physical fitness but it can also teach valuable social skills and promote personal 

development. Sport, physical activities and games simulate many of the challenges found in everyday life. Through sport activities, young people 

can learn the life skills they need to deal appropriately with such challenges. 

Sport teaches important lessons like winning and losing, fair play, being part of a team, co-operation, leadership, discipline and working towards 

long term goals. Therefore sport can do much more than just make young people physically “fit”; as an educational tool it can help them become 

“fit for life”. 

The project basically supports the initiative and cooperation of young people and contributes to the development of their potential, social skills 

and competencies leading to the mitigation of social disadvantage through sport and outdoor activities. It consciously including young people 

with fewer opportunities as active participants in the project (providing tailor-made preparation, support, monitoring and follow-up for them). 


Expected results of the exchange:

moral-, group- and leadership development, and personal growth of participants.



Free-diving, communication and teambuilding games, special sports for equal chances, workshops on the topic sport and social 

inclusion, making a video spot for other young people promoting sport and outdoor education.

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